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The Role of Organizational Leaders in Post COVID-19 Crisis Management Through Corporate Governance Practices in Finance Industry of Sri Lanka

    Figure 1: Designed by 8photo / Freepik COVID-19 has generated significant uncertainty and high inconsistency in the capital markets in almost all the countries and the impact it caused thus far is yet to be determined. As with the spread of the virus, adverse impacts are likely to continue. Political leaders around the world consider COVID-19 is the biggest challenge they confront since World War II (Allam, 2020). To mitigate the impact, governments and central banks responded to the economic crisis with both fiscal and monetary tools in remarkably high degrees (Benmelech and Tzur-Ilan, 2020). Though containment initiatives like quarantine and social distancing methods practice to control the outburst of COVID-19, International Monetary Fund (IMF) forecasts global growth failure and the worst economic downturn since the great depression in 1930s (Amir, 2020). As a developing country, Sri Lanka’s finance industry has been most affected by the crisis, with the breakdown of...
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How To Install Apache Maven On Linux (CentOS)

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How To Install Apache Maven On Windows

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Shortcomings of Commonly Used Computer Languages

A.       Typecasting issue in C++ C++ code of type casting, which is considered as an insecured code. The same problem occurred in Ariane 5, which ended up in a crash.  According to (Soulie, 2007) , Type casting is known as converting an expression of a given type into another type. In C, type converstion can be done using,    1.       Implicit Convertion –   one type of data is automatically converted into compatible type of data.    2.       Explicit Convertion – Many conversions, specially thos that imply a different interpreation of the value. It has 4 specific casting operators (dynamic_cast, reinterpret_cast, static_cast and const_cast). Here, the conversion truncates, that is the fractional part is discared. There is a data loss, since the out put is 13, expected output was 14. Remedy – Use static_cast and add 0.5 before casting. c = static_ca...

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