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Showing posts from July, 2013

Selenium - 1

1. What is Selenium? Selenium is a portable software testing framework for web applications . It is a JavaScript framework that runs in web browser, works anywhere JavaScript supports. Selenium provides a test domain specific language (DSL) such as HTML to write tests in a number of popular programming languages, including Java , Ruby , Groovy , Python , PHP , and Perl . Selenium deploys on Windows , Linux , and Macintosh platforms. Note : Selenium RC and WebDriver are merged into a single framework to form Selenium 2. Selenium 1 refers to Selenium RC.  2. Why is Selenium? There are seve ral re ason s to choose Selenium. Of course, it is open source and because of that it is easy to learn as you may f ind lots of resources in the internet. 1. Supports many browsers. 2. Supports many scripting/programming languages. 3. Flexible to your choice, simple record and playback (IDE), Comple Framework design to your choice by using your favorite programming l...

How To Install Apache Maven On Linux (CentOS)

When installing Apache Maven, first of all, check whether Java 1.x JDK is installed in your machine. If not make sure to install Java JDK, not JRE. Note: To have an understanding about JDK, JRE and JVM, follow this . 1. Download Apache Maven After installing Java JDK, you are now eligible to install Maven. Go to Apache Maven Official Site  and download any version you need.  For this example, I use Apache Maven version 3.0.5 In your terminal, $ wget $ sudo tar xzf apache-maven-3.0.5-bin.tar.gz -C /usr/local $ cd /usr/local $ sudo ln -s apache-maven-3.0.5 maven 2. Setting up the Maven Path system-wide In your terminal again, $ sudo vi /etc/profile.d/ export M2_HOME=/usr/local/apache-maven-3.0.5 export PATH=${M2_HOME}/bin:${PATH} Now we are done with installing Apache.  Note: It is essential to restart the machine to activate above envir...

How To Install Apache Maven On Windows

When installing Apache Maven, first of all have to download the Maven’s zip file. Then extract it and configure the Windows environment path variable. Note : Make sure JDK is installed, and “ JAVA_HOME ” variable is added in Windows environment variable, and point to the JDK folder. 1. Download Apache Maven   Go to Apache Maven   official website , select a version and click on the download link. Eg:  apache-maven-3.1. 0     2 . Extract And Setting Up Maven Home Extract the downloaded zip file, let's say you extracted to drive C. Eg: C:/Maven Note that no installation required.  Now, Adding MAVEN_HOME variable in system variables.  To do that Start --> Computer --> Right click on that and select properties --> Advance System Settings Add a new System Variable called MAVEN_HOME.    3 . Adding T o P ATH Variable Here you have to give the path to bin folder of Maven installation. Since yo...